Tuesday, May 20, 2008

day 9...de vez en cuando

okay, well moderation went out the window yesterday as ALL of my favorite spanish foods somehow magically managed to appear on my dinner table. yesterday was a feast featuring empanada, tortilla, queso manchego, queso gallego, queso de cabara, gambas al ajillo y, por supuesto, VINO. i actually feel really good about my one last indulgence before leaving though and it made me reflect today about how i think i really have made a shift into lifestyle change. because, as much fun as it is to go overboard every once in a while, in my everyday life i find myself really craving the simple foods that i know make my body feel good and i seem to have finally made the connection somewhere in my subconscious that going overboard on a regular basis definitely does not feel good. and the other thing is that i finally feel like i'm to a point where i can indulge every once in a while without all of the mental admonishment i used to put myself through. it's pretty nice for a change. and, as an added benefit, i felt unusually strong and well recovered in my yoga practice today...proof that large amounts of cheese and wine do a body good every once in a while :).

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