Friday, November 14, 2008

day 3

came so close to missing yoga last boyfriend is a bad influence on me and i can't help wanting to curl up with him and snuggle instead of getting on my bike and riding in the cold to yoga.  but i stayed strong and in the end i was so glad i did.  i love the guy who teaches thursday nights, his approach is really simple but his classes are wonderful and i felt so good once i got there.  today i hit the gym for my second turbulence training workout of the week...i pushed hard today and had to get in and out quickly, which ramped up the intensity a bit.  although i still don't feel as disciplined as i would like to with my nutrition, i'm back to feeling really excited about my workouts and to pushing myself hard at the gym.  feels really good.  also, my gym has an assisted pull up machine which i love.  it makes it much easier to move seamlessly between exercises in a superset because i don't have to find someone to spot me.  i also feel like it is the key to eventually working up to unassisted pull-ups which has always been a skill that has eluded me in the past.  nutrition today was, once again, a bit off target.  i do know that it's much better this week than it was last week and if i continue to gradually improve, eventually i'll get back to where i was.  it's a different approach because i usually get gung-ho and cut everything out all at once until i feel deprived and try to make up for it all in one meal.  so today i've eaten:

meal 1: 2 eggs, nf milk, spinach, onion, mushroom
meal 2: 4 oz of mocha, .5 wheat-free scone, .5 grapefruit, 3 almonds
meal 3: .5 grapefruit, 10 almonds
meal 4: spinach, mixed greens, cucumber, shrimp, salmon, crabmeat, oil, vinegar, french bread, butter
meal 5: nf milk, whey powder, berries, granola (post workout)
meal 6: green salad, mussels in butter sauce, smoked salmon, 1.5 glass red wine
meal 7: sweet potato fries, sauteed bok choy
meal 8: granola, hemp protein powder, 2% milk, 1 bija omega 3 dark chocolate truffle

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