Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a quick update

today was a pretty good day. i worked my butt off in the gym. super short workout, but i'm up to 25 lbs on the one arm overhead press and we'll just have to see if i can lift my arms overhead tomorrow. went to a new yoga class this evening too. food was pretty good today. lots of good nutrition...did eat some sugar, mostly pre/post workout. finished my fast around 11:30 and i had:

meal 1: .5 chocolate muffin, macchiato
meal 2: .5 odwalla super protein shake
meal 3: fresh-cut spinach pasta, spinach, walnuts, olive oil, garlic, parmesan cheese
meal 4: .5 odwalla super protein shake
meal 5: lf yogurt, whey protein, greens powder, blackberries
meal 6: kale, apples, onions, garlic, mixed greens, spinach, sweet potatoes, turkey meatloaf...yum!

1 comment:

Diet Dramatic said...

Nice work! I've been pretty soft on my gym habits, but hearing about your 25lb victory is amazing! It's making me want to get back to my tough routine. What a great feeling - congrats!